Do Cold Tea Bags help for Bed Bugs Bites?

cold tea bags to treat bed bug bites

In this article, we will answer the question: Do Cold Tea Bags help for Bed Bugs Bites?
Bed bug bites can cause discomfort, itching, and swelling, leaving individuals searching for effective remedies. One simple and natural solution that may provide temporary relief is the use of cold tea bags.

These tea bags, chilled and applied to the affected areas, can offer a soothing and cooling sensation. In this article, we will explore how cold tea bags can potentially alleviate the symptoms of bed bug bites, providing a quick and accessible home remedy for those seeking relief from these bothersome bites.

What are Cold Tea Bags?

Cold tea bags refer to tea bags that have been steeped in hot water and then cooled down by refrigeration or by placing them in cold water. They are commonly used for various purposes, including skincare and home remedies.

The tannins and antioxidants present in tea can have soothing and anti-inflammatory properties, which make cold tea sachets a popular choice for alleviating certain skin conditions or discomforts, including reducing puffiness around the eyes, soothing sunburns, and potentially relieving the symptoms of insect bites, such as bed bug bites.

When applied to the affected area, the cool temperature and potential compounds in the tea may help provide temporary relief from itching, inflammation, and swelling.

Do Cold Tea Bags help for Bed Bugs Bites?

The cold temperature of the tea bags and the potential anti-inflammatory properties of tea may help reduce itching, inflammation, and swelling associated with the bed bug bites.

Indeed, cold tea bags can potentially provide temporary relief for bed bug bites due to a combination of factors:

  • Cooling effect: The cold temperature of the tea bags can help soothe the affected area, providing immediate relief from itching and discomfort caused by bed bug bites.
  • Anti-inflammatory properties: Tea, particularly green tea, contains compounds such as polyphenols and tannins that possess anti-inflammatory properties. These compounds may help reduce inflammation and swelling associated with bed bug bites.
  • Moisture and hydration: The moistness of the tea sachets can provide a hydrating effect on the skin, which can help alleviate dryness and soothe irritated skin.
  • Potential soothing compounds: Tea, depending on the type, may contain additional compounds that have a soothing effect on the skin. For example, chamomile tea is known for its calming properties, while black tea contains tannins that can have astringent and soothing effects.


If you’re seeking another natural remedy to soothe the itching from bed bug bites, you can read our article on Banana Peel and Bed Bug Bites.


How to use Cold Tea Bags for Bed Bug Bites?

To use cold tea bags for bed bug bites, you can follow these steps:

  • Brew the tea: Start by steeping tea bags in hot water for a few minutes to allow the tea to infuse. You can use black tea, green tea, or herbal teas like chamomile, which are known for their soothing properties.
  • Cool down the tea bags: Once the tea has been steeped, remove the tea bags from the hot water and allow them to cool down. You can speed up the cooling process by placing the tea bags in the refrigerator or placing them in cold water for a few minutes.
  • Gently squeeze out excess liquid: Once the tea infusers are cool, gently squeeze them to remove any excess liquid. You want the tea pouches to be damp, not dripping.
  • Apply to the affected area: Place the cold tea bags directly on the bite areas. You can hold them in place or gently press them against the skin. Make sure the bites are in contact with the tea sachets.
  • Leave them on for a few minutes: Allow the cold tea bags to remain on the bites for about 10 to 15 minutes. This will give the skin time to absorb the coolness and potential soothing properties of the tea.
  • Repeat as needed: If desired, you can repeat the process multiple times a day or whenever you feel the need for relief from itching or inflammation.


How long should I apply the cold tea bags to bed bug bites?

When applying cold tea bags to bed bug bites, we recommend leaving them in place for an extended period, ideally around 30 minutes to maximize their soothing effects.


Can you use Cold tea bags with other remedies for Bed bug bites?

Yes, you can use cold tea bags in conjunction with other remedies for bed bug bites to enhance the overall relief and healing process. Some examples include over-the-counter creams, calamine lotion, hydrocortisone cream, and antihistamine medication. (source)


Which Tea is good for Bed Bug Bites?

Various types of tea can potentially provide relief for bed bug bites due to their soothing and anti-inflammatory properties.

Here are a few types of tea that are commonly used for this purpose:

  • Chamomile Tea: Chamomile tea is well-known for its calming and anti-inflammatory properties. It may help reduce itching, inflammation, and swelling associated with bed bug bites.
  • Green Tea: Green tea contains antioxidants and polyphenols that can have anti-inflammatory effects. It may help soothe the skin and alleviate discomfort from bed bug bites.
  • Black Tea: Black tea contains tannins that have astringent properties, which can help reduce inflammation and provide relief from itching. Applying cold black tea bags to bed bug bites may help soothe the affected area.
  • Peppermint Tea: Peppermint tea has cooling properties and contains menthol, which can provide a soothing sensation to the skin. It may help relieve itching and discomfort caused by those bites.
  • Calendula Tea: Calendula tea has been used for its anti-inflammatory and skin-soothing properties. It may help reduce inflammation and promote healing for their bites.


Which Tea is not good for Bed Bug Bites?

While various types of tea can potentially provide relief for bed bug bites, there is no specific tea that is known to be harmful or detrimental to bed bug bites. However, it’s worth noting that individual sensitivities and allergies to certain teas can vary. If you have known allergies or sensitivities to specific types of tea, it is advisable to avoid using them on your bed bug bites.


Do you put hot or cold on Bed Bug Bites?

For bed bug bites, it is generally recommended to use cold or cool compresses rather than hot compresses. Cold temperatures can help alleviate itching, reduce swelling, and provide temporary relief from the discomfort of such bites.

Here’s what you can do:

  • Cold Compress: Take a clean cloth or towel and dampen it with cold water. Gently apply the cold compress to the bite area for about 10 to 15 minutes. This is done in order to decrease inflammation.
  • Cold Tea Bags: As mentioned earlier, you can also use cold tea bags for bed bug bites. Follow the steps mentioned earlier to prepare the tea bags and apply them to the affected area.


Avoid using hot compresses on bed bug bites as heat can potentially increase itching and inflammation. Hot temperatures may worsen the discomfort and lead to more itching and swelling.


How do you tell if a Bite is from a Bed Bug?

Identifying the source of a bite can be challenging, as many different insects and pests can cause similar skin reactions. However, there are a few signs that can help you determine if a bite is likely from a bed bug:

  • Bite Pattern: Bed bug bites often appear in a clustered or linear pattern, as these pests tend to feed in a row or cluster on exposed areas of the skin.
  • Location: Bed bug bites commonly occur on areas of the body that are exposed during sleep, such as the face, neck, arms, and legs. They typically target areas closest to their hiding spots, such as the bed or furniture.
  • Itching and Swelling: Their bites can cause itching, redness, and localized swelling. The severity of the reaction can vary from person to person, with some experiencing more pronounced symptoms than others.
  • Presence of Bed Bugs: If you suspect bed bugs, thoroughly inspect your sleeping area. This should include the mattress, box spring, bed frame, and nearby furniture. Look for live bugs, shed skins, fecal stains (dark spots), or blood smears on bedding.


How long does it take for home remedies to help for Bed Bug Bites?

The timeframe for home remedies to provide relief for bed bug bites can vary from person to person. It depends on factors such as the severity of the bites, individual skin sensitivity, and the effectiveness of the chosen remedy. In general, you may start to experience some relief shortly after applying the home remedy.

For immediate relief, cold tea bags, cold compresses, or other topical remedies may help alleviate itching, inflammation, and swelling temporarily. The cooling effect and potential anti-inflammatory properties of these remedies can provide quick relief.



In this article, we answered the question: Do Cold Tea Bags help for Bed Bugs Bites?
Cold tea bags can be a convenient and accessible remedy to help soothe the discomfort of bed bug bites. The cool temperature and potential anti-inflammatory properties of tea may provide temporary relief from itching, inflammation, and swelling. So, the next time you experience bed bug bites, reach for a cold tea bag and enjoy some soothing relief.

To find effective relief from the itchiness of bed bug bites, we recommend referring to our comprehensive buying guide on Bed bug bite relief products.